benandsebastian attended an artist residency at Delfina Foundation in London in November and December 2019, with support from the Danish Arts Foundation . During their residency at Delfina, benandsebastian pursued research, crossing the fields of law, cybernetics and biology, associated with the creation of a new public artwork for the Court of Aarhus, Denmark.
They formed part of the Delfina Foundation’s first season of its science_technology_society programme, which seeks to support contemporary interdisciplinary approaches that consider, intervene in, and speculate on the world in which we live and its possible futures.
The other artists at Delfina together with benandsebastian were Salik Ansari, Kyriaki Goni, Nick Læssing, Matterlurgy, Victoria Scott, Gary Zhexi Zhang and curator Jeppe Ugelvig.
Delfina Foundation is an independent, non-profit foundation dedicated to facilitating artistic exchange and developing creative practice through residencies, partnerships and public programming.